Yet, just for a moment, all I could see was the golden light, filling the rooms, showing the contrasts of the crevices and peaks of the hills that surround my home. Revealing the light.
It was my daily manna. And for me, it was enough. There was God's glory revealed in an instant that overwhelms. And in a an instant I saw it wasn't all up to me, that today would dawn without my hands, without out my efforts, and that I could bask it in just the same.
And with that, I went back to sleep. A few more minutes of slumber, resting in his Almighty hands.
"Come to me, all who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest" Matthew 11:8
That same light floods the twins' room in the morning and is mirrored in their smiling faces as they get up... I too am thankful and grateful. I look forward to reading your blogs...
Thank you. You are quite the encourager. Do you have a blog?
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